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A lecturer points his student toward a blueprint pinned on a wall full of structural images

Architecture and Construction



Two men in high visibility jackets stand on a roof, looking at a large piece of paper and surveying their environments.

Institute of Acoustics Certificate of Competence in Environmental Noise Measurement (CCENM) - Autumn 2024

The Certificate of Competence in Environmental Noise Measurement (CCENM) is designed for professionals working in acoustics who are looking for further their specialist skills, including environmental health officers, sound engineers and event managers.

Greenscies logo: Centre of Excellence in Smart Local Energy Systems

Introductions to Heat Networks in the UK

This course is designed for anyone looking to understand more about district heating and cooling. From students to Housing Association representatives looking to expand their knowledge of the subject will all find it invaluable.


E.ON Heat & Chill Decarbonisation

E.ON UK Heat Zones Overview

Heat Networks are a growing sector in the UK aiming to reduce carbon emissions. This course will introduce how heat zones can help decarbonise heat in the UK.

E.ON UK Heat Zones Overview

E.ON Heat and Chill Decarbonisation

Heat Networks are a growing sector in the UK aiming to reduce carbon emissions. This course  is an introduction to 5th Generation District Energy for City Quarters.



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