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Are you an Employee?

Are you the Employee of a Sponsoring Organisation who will purchase and assign courses to you? Click the button below to begin your registration and start learning today.

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Are you a Sponsoring Org?

Are you a Sponsoring Organisation with responsibility for buying courses for, and assigning courses to your Team? If so, click here to register your Organisation and start developing your teams.


Note: you cannot purchase courses for yourself unless you register as a Participant or Employee.

I am a Sponsoring Org

Decolonising your organisation - Package 3


Time commitment: 2.5 days (1 day workshop, 0.5 day follow-up discussion and 3 x 2 hour mentoring sessions).

How is this course taught? Online


To enrol on this course, please email and state which package you would like to purchase (1, 2 or 3). If you have a question that we haven’t answered here, please contact and we will respond to your query within 48 hours.

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